You’ll never achieve true prosperity if you’re constantly burdened by debt. Instead of trying to keep up with others, invest in yourself and your future. Living a life chained to debt will not establish a stable financial legacy. Learn how to manage your money wisely and begin building the life you’ve always envisioned.

Remember The big No-no's to Get out of debt...

Step 1: Write down your goals

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” – Zig Ziglar.

Sit down and truly think about what you want your life to be like in the next 10 years.

Step 1: Ask yourself simple these simple questions:

How old are you? Where do you live (house, apartment, etc.) ? What city do you live in? How many kids do you have? Are You Married? Do you have pets? What job do you have? What car do you drive? If you think of any other questions, write that down too.

Step 2: Now that you’ve answered those questions, research how much each of those things cost.

How much is your house? How much is your car? How much is childcare? How much does it cost to take care of that pet? How much is that vacation you want to go to?

You’d be surprised that the lifestyle that you want doesn’t cost as much as you think!

Take a good look at your list. THESE are the things that you will be working towards. Think about the life you want to live, do a vision board, and look at these goals everyday. You won’t be able to obtain them without the proper discipline. Everything you do now matters the most.

START NOW! "If You Have A Hill To Climb, Waiting Won't Make It Smaller."

Step 2: Create your Budget

Below, you will find a simple budget calculator. To get out of debt the most efficient way, I recommend the 50/30/20 rule:

50% Needs – Housing, Utilities, Childcare, Gas, Food (groceries), etc.

30% Wants – Going out to eat, entertainment, (netflix, hulu, etc.) trips, etc.

20% Savings/Debt repayment


This has been done for you. Simply put your income in the calculator below and it will seperate it for you!

Debt-Free Calculator